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来源:学术堂 作者:杜老师
发布于:2021-12-09 共4235字

  摘 要



  关键词 :   商务英语信函,负面信息,理论应用,实例。

  Qi Lijun 

  As  the  rapid  development  of  globalization,  the  commerce  among  nations  hasbecome  widespread  and  business  communication  also  turns  out  to  be  universal.

  Business  English  correspondence,  as  one  of  the  most  popular  communication  tools,plays an essential role in international business trade and it will be of great advantagefor  enterprises  to  convey  negative  information  in  an  appropriate  and  roundaboutmanner.  In  order  to  express  negative  information  more  effectively  and  politely,  thisthesis researches on various kinds of strategies in business English correspondence bythe application of theories, including vague language, euphemism, politeness principle,understatement,  and  indirect  approach,  and  the  cases  from  business  Englishcorrespondence.  After  the  detailed  analysis,  the  effect  of  the  suggested  ways  ofexpressing  negative  information  is  identified  and  the  realization  of  its  purpose  isspecific.  It  is  hoped  that  the  findings  of  this  thesis  will  provide  an  insight  into  thetheories  elaborated  as  below  and  facilitate  the  effective  expression  of  negativeinformation and cooperation of international business trade.

  Key  Words :      business  English  correspondence;  negative  information;  the applicationof theories; cases 。

  Chapter One Introduction 

  The integration of global economy is a general trend which cannot be halted, andthe exchange of politics, economy and technology becomes more and more frequent

  English, as a popular communication language, has become an important tool used inbusiness  English  correspondence.  In  international  trade  activities,  informationtransmission is ubiquitous and there are two aspects that can affect the receiving party,one  is  the  content  of  information  and  the  other  is  the  way  of  expression.  For  thereceiver,  information  is  roughly  divided  into  three  parts,  which  are  positive,  neutraland negative information. Positive and neutral information can be expressed directly,but  it  is  a  plight  for  people  to  express  and  accept  negative  information.  It  is  a  fatalissue  for  enterprises  to  express  negative  information  effectively  and  politely,otherwise it will affect the normal conduct of business activities or cause some unduedamage to the firm. Therefore, this thesis focuses on the topic of expressing negativeinformation in business English correspondence.


  It is not just the information content, but also the way of expression that decideswhether business partners can calmly accept that. Under the guidance of the followingtheories, including vague language, euphemism, politeness principle, understatement,and  indirect  approach,  this  paper  applies  authentic  cases  from  business  Englishcorrespondence  to  demonstrate  the  effects  of  thoughtful  expression  of  negativeinformation.

  Chapter Two Business English Correspondenceand Negative Information 。

  It is inevitable to convey negative information to other parties when dealing withinternational businesses and the correspondence should be paid much more attention,for  it  is  an  effective  and  convenient  medium  of  exchanging  messages.  As  for  theimportance  of  business  English  correspondence  and  the  inevitability  of  negativeinformation,  the  thesis  centers  on  the  two  themes,  bases  on  theoretical  principle  andputs forward diverse methods to convey information more accurately and effectively.

  2.1、 Business English correspondence 。

  In  recent  decades,  the  dramatic  development  of  international  trade  has  beenachieved,  and  as  one  of  the  means  of  business  communication,  business  Englishcorrespondence  has  been  playing  a  decisive  role  in  enhancing  mutual  understanding,establishing  business  approach,  exchanging  business  information,  maintaining  andpromoting  good  relationship,  and  facilitating  the  development  of  internationaleconomy.


  2.1.1、 Definition of business English corresponden.

  2.1.2 、Writing principles of business E nglish correspondence .

  2.2 、Negative information.

  2.2.1、 Definition of negative inf orm ation.

  2.2.2 、Writing significance of neg ative information

  Chapter Three The Expression of Negative Information in Business English Correspond e.

  3.1、 Vague langau

  3.1.1、 Definition of vague language

  3.1.2 、Application of vague language .

  3.2.1 、Definition of euphems.

  3.2.2、 Application of euphemism

  3.3 、Politeness principle.

  3.3.1、 Definition of politeness principle.

  3.3.2 、Application of politeness principle

  3.4.2 、Application of understatement .

  3.5 、Indirect appr oach.

  3.5.2 、Application of indirect approach .



  Chapter Four Conclusion

  This  thesis  studies  the  expression  of  negative  information  in  business  Englishcorrespondence through analyzing cases from five aspects, including vague language,euphemism,  politeness  principle,  understatement,  and  indirect  approach.  To  beginwith,  the  understanding  and  writing  principle  of  business  English  correspondence  isgiven to emphasize its importance in the global market. It is an essential prerequisiteto  strengthen  the  expression  of  negative  information  because  of  its  unavoidableexistence and writing significance. Then the detailed analysis for the five strategies isexplained one by one through examples. Vague language is ambiguous, and has moreideas and purposes beyond words. It is significant to apply vague language to conveynegative  information  in  business  letters  for  it  can  relieve  tense  situations  amongparties,  strengthen  business  relationships,  and  create  an  harmonious  atmosphere.

  There are various forms to present euphemism, but all is to make a harsh or negativemessage  into  gentle  and  roundabout  one.  Politeness  principle  shows  respect  andpoliteness to readers, just as its name implies. Describing one thing in a reverse way isone of the forms of understatement, which is useful to weaken the negative influenceof  bad  news.  Indirect  approach  is  applied  to  express  negative  information  indirectlyand the tactful usage aims to buff the negative effect for business activities. The studyshows  that  all the five  strategies  play  momentous  role  for  the expression of  negativeinformation in business English correspondence and in the international business.

  It  is  indispensable  to  write  negative  information  and  is  valuable  to  study  itsexpression.  Limited by the length of the thesis, this paper is just a small project, andother  expressing  strategies  such  as  pragmatics,  rhetoric,  and  cooperative  principlehave  not  yet  been  expanded.  It  is  suggested  that  a  longitudinal  and  transverseinvestigation  on  the  expression  of  negative  information  in  business  Englishcorrespondence should be conducted sometime.


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