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来源:江西师范大学 作者:刘凯文
发布于:2020-02-28 共10681字

  摘 要



  研究一采用 2(情境信息:无,有)× 4(共情情境:身体疼痛、社交痛苦,社交快乐,中性)两因素混合实验设计,情境信息为被试见变量,共情情境为被试内变量。对南昌市某学校 60 名八年级初中生进行测试,探讨个体在身体疼痛、社交痛苦以及社交快乐情境中的共情水平差异,并进一步探究情境信息在共情过程中的重要作用。结果发现:正确率上,共情情境主效应显着,被试在身体疼痛、社交痛苦、社交快乐、中性情境中依次显着降低;情境信息主效应显着,被试在有情境信息条件下的共情正确率显着高于无情境信息条件;共情情境与情境信息的交互作用不显着;反应时上,共情情境主效应显着,被试在中性情境、社交痛苦、社交快乐、身体疼痛的反应时依次显着降低;情境信息主效应显着,被试在有情境信息条件下的反应时显着长于无情境信息条件;共情情境与情境信息的交互作用不显着。
  研究二用直接和间接攻击量表(DIAS)及班级戏剧性提名量表(CPQ)对南昌市某学校七年级、八年级共 6 个班,南昌市某学校八年级 5 个班共 563 名学生进行量表施测,筛查出直接攻击型、关系攻击型及正常组青少年。采用 3(攻击类型:非攻击,身体攻击,关系攻击)× 4(共情情境:身体疼痛、社交痛苦,社交快乐,中性情境)两因素混合实验设计,攻击类型为被试间变量,共情情境为被试内变量。探究攻击性青少年在不同情境中的共情特点。结果发现:正确率上,共情情境主效应显着,被试在社交痛苦、身体疼痛、社交快乐、中性情境的共情正确率依次显着降低;攻击类型主效应显着,身体攻击者、关系攻击者、非攻击者的共情正确率依次显着升高;共情情境与攻击类型的交互作用显着,在社交快乐、社交痛苦、身体疼痛三种情境中,身体攻击与关系攻击者无显着差异,且二者均显着低于非攻击者,在中性情境中,三种类型均无显着差异。说明对个体来说,社交痛苦情境比身体疼痛情境更加容易准确识别,消极情绪比积极情绪更加容易准确识别;身体攻击者和关系攻击者在身体疼痛、社交痛苦、社交快乐三种情境的共情准确性上无显着差异,且都比一般人差。反应时上,共情情境主效应显着,被试在社交痛苦、中性情境、社交快乐、身体疼痛情境的共情反应时依次显着降低;攻击类型主效应不显着;共情情境与攻击类型的交互作用显着,在社交快乐和社交痛苦情境中,关系攻击者、身体攻击者、非攻击者的共情反应时依次显着降低,在身体疼痛情境中,身体攻击者的共情反应时显着长于非攻击者,与关系攻击者的共情反应时没有显着差异,在中性情境中,身体攻击者、关系攻击者以及非攻击者的共情反应时均无显着差异。说明在反应时上,社交痛苦情境比身体疼痛情境需要的认知加工更多,消极情绪比积极情绪需要的认知加工更多。
  3. 虽然身体攻击者和关系攻击者在身体疼痛、社交痛苦、社交快乐三种情境的共情准确性无差异,且都比非攻击者差,但从主效应上看,关系攻击共情准确性显着高于身体攻击,由此可见,关系攻击者的共情能力还是可能会高于身体攻击者。
  5. 这可能提示,两类攻击者在共情上既有共同的缺陷,也有不同表现。


  Mankind is a social organism that needs to be closely connected with others.Empathy helps to create and maintain this social connection by understanding, sharing and responding appropriately to the emotional state of others. Previous studies on empathy have mostly focused on negative empathy. The process of empathy is relatively easy to identify and perceive. However, in daily life, it is more difficult to identify emotional states, such as seeing a person crying or laughing, unless one understands the origin of the matter, he can not share it well.
  Teenagers are in a special period of individual development. The rapid development of their bodies and the relative backwardness of their psychology contrasts greatly with the film city, which has caused the problems of learning, lifeand interpersonal communication, such as rebellion, bullying, disgust and so on. It has always been the focus of researchers. This study contains two experiments, trying to explore the empathy characteristics of aggressive adolescents in different situations and the role of situational information in empathy by setting four different empathy situations (physical pain, social pain, social pleasure, neutral situation).
  In study 1, 60 eighth-grade junior middle school students in a school in Nanchang were tested by using a mixed experimental design of two factors (situational information: no, yes)*4 (empathic situation: physical pain, social pain,social pleasure, neutrality,). The differences of empathy levels among individuals in physical pain, social pain and social pleasure were explored, and the emotions were further explored. Context information plays an important role in empathy. The results showed that the main effect of empathy situation was significant in the accuracy rate,and the subjects were significantly reduced in body pain, social pain, social happiness and neutral situation in turn; the main effect of situational information was significant,and the accuracy rate of empathy under situational information condition was significantly higher than that without situational information condition; the interaction between empathy situation and situational information was not significant; and the interaction between empathy situation and situational information was not significant in response time. The main effect was significant, and the respondents'response timein neutral situation, social pain, social happiness and physical pain decreased in turn;the main effect of situational information was significant, and the respondents'response time under situational information was significantly more than that without situational information; the interaction between empathic situation and situational information was not significant.
  The second study used the Direct and Indirect Attack Scale (DIAS) and Class Dramatic Nomination Questionnaire (CPQ) to test 563 students from 6 classes of Grade 7 and 8 in a school in Nanchang and 5 classes of Grade 8 in a school inNanchang. The direct, relational and normal adolescents were screened out. This study explored the empathic characteristics of aggressive adolescents in different situations by using a mixed experimental design of three factors (aggressive type:non-aggressive, physical aggression, relational aggression,)*4 (empathic situation:physical pain, social pain, social pleasure, neutral situation). The results showed that the main effect of empathy situation was significant, and the correct rate of empathy in social pain, physical pain, social pleasure and neutral situation decreased significantly in turn; the main effect of aggression type was significant, and the correct rate of empathy of physical aggressor, relational aggressor and non-aggressor increased significantly in turn; the interaction between empathy situation and aggression type was significant, and social pleasure was significant. In the three situations of social pain and physical pain, there was no significant difference between physical aggression and relational aggressor, and both of them were significantly lower than non-aggressor. In the neutral situation, there was no significant difference between the three types. It shows that social distress situation is easier and more accurate to identify than physical pain situation, and negative emotions are easier and more accurate to identify than positive emotions. There is no significant difference in the accuracy of empathy between physical aggressors and relationship aggressors in physical pain, social distress and social pleasure situations,and they are worse than the general population. In response time, the main effect of empathy situation was significant. The subjects'empathy reaction time in social pain,neutral situation, social pleasure and physical pain situation decreased significantly in turn; the main effect of aggression type was not significant; the interaction between empathy situation and aggression type was significant. In social pleasure and social pain situation, the empathy reaction time of relational aggressor, physical aggressorand non-aggressor was significant. In the physical pain situation, the empathy reaction time of physical attackers was significantly higher than that of non-attackers, and there was no significant difference between them. In the neutral situation, the empathy reaction time of physical attackers, relational attackers and non-attackers had nosignificant difference. It shows that social pain situations need more cognitive processing than physical pain situations, and negative emotions need more cognitive processing than positive emotions. There was no significant difference between relational aggressors and physical aggressors in physical pain situations, but there was significant difference in social situations (social pleasure and social pain). Compared with physical aggressors, relational aggressors spent more time understanding the situation and cognitive processing.
  Based on the above studies, it is concluded that:
  1. Adding relevant information to empathic situations helps to improve the accuracy of empathy. Situational information can improve the level of empathy of individuals.
  2. Among the three types of empathy (situations), positive empathy is the most difficult (the accuracy of empathy is the lowest in social pleasure), social pain empathy is the second, and physical pain empathy is the simplest.
  3. Although there is no difference in the accuracy of empathy between physical attackers and relational attackers in three situations of physical pain, social pain and social pleasure, and they are all worse than non-attackers, the accuracy of empathy in relational attackers is significantly higher than that in physical attackers in terms of the main effect. Thus, the empathy ability of relational attackers may be higher than that of physical attackers.
  4. All subjects responded significantly longer to both social situations (social pain and social pleasure) than to physical pain. Relational aggressors'response time to empathy in two social situations was significantly longer than that of physical aggressors. Relational attackers may have more cognitive processing of social situations.
  5. This may suggest that the two types of attackers have both common weaknesses and different expressions of empathy.
  Key words:  Attack types; Context; Empathic situation; Positive empathy。

  引 言

  对攻击性个体是否可以感受到他人情绪的能力,也就是共情能力,已经出现了大量的研究,不论是行为实验(Noorden, Haselager, Cillessen, & Bukowski,2014)、事件相关电位研究(高雪梅,翁蕾,周群,赵偲,李芳,2015)还是 fMRI研究(Jackson, Meltzoff, & Decety, 2005; Masten, Morelli, & Eisenberger, 2011),基本上得出了一致的结论,具有攻击性的个体在面对他人的身体疼痛时共情水平比普通人明显更低,共情能力更差。面对身体上的痛苦,他们漠不关心,那对于社会交往性质的痛苦,他们又会如何作反应呢?
  美国心理学家 Eisenberger 将疼痛分为身体疼痛和社交痛苦,他认为社交痛苦是“与亲密的他人或社交群体产生实际的或潜在的心理距离而产生的痛苦体验”。相比于社交痛苦,对他人身体疼痛的感知更加容易,我们看到一个人的手被针尖刺入,不用费力就能感受到这种疼痛,如果只是看到一个人默默流着眼泪而不明白他为何悲伤,便无法真切地与之产生共情。因此,是否有详尽的情境信息作为指示也很大程度上影响着个体的共情过程。
  1 文献综述。
  1.1 攻击及其影响因素。
  1.1.1 攻击的概念。

  1.1.2 攻击的类型。
  本文根据芬兰心理学家的分类形式,将攻击行为分为身体攻击和关系攻击(Bj?rkqvist, Lagerspetz & ?sterman, 1999)。美国心理学家 Crick 和 Grotpeter 率先对这两类攻击行为进行研究(Crick & Grotpeter, 1996)。身体攻击是指攻击者利用身体动作直接对被攻击者实施攻击行为,比如拳打脚踢,此外,还有另外一种类型的攻击——关系攻击,这类攻击是指攻击者通过其他方式或手段对被攻击者实施间接的攻击行为,主要目的是破坏对方的人际圈,比如在背后恶意编造谣言中伤他人,将他人排斥在某些活动或人际关系之外,关系攻击的实施往往具有间接性和隐蔽性。
  因此,虽然同为攻击行为,但身体攻击和关系攻击在个体发展过程中的各个方面却表现出了一定的差异。已有研究发现,个体在一岁前后就出现了身体攻击,并且迅速增长(Tremblay, Mireault, Dessureault, Hélène, & Sveistrup, 2004);而Casas 等人(2006)的研究却发现关系攻击行为在三岁前后才逐渐开始出现。另外有研究者发现,做出关系攻击行为的个体往往具有较为成熟的社交技能、较高的社交智力以及较为完备的语言能力(Andreou, 2006; Bonica, Arnold, Fisher,Zeljo, & Yershova, 2003),而身体攻击不需要较高的社交智力和语言能力,甚至与个体的语言发展表现出负相关(Dionne, Tremblay, Boivin, Laplante, & Perusse,2003)。
  1.1.3 攻击的影响因素。
  1.2 共情对攻击的抑制作用。
  1.2.1 共情。

  Dziobek 等人(2008)通过对孤独症患者的研究发现,孤独症患者的认知共情能力存在缺陷,而情感共情能力与普通人没有显着差异。另外一项研究发现,认知共情和情感共情缺陷在行为和解剖上均存在显着的分离,腹侧前额叶(vmPFC)遭受创伤的患者认知共情上存在缺陷,而情感共情能力与普通人一般无二;额下回遭受创伤的患者情感共情上存在缺陷,而认知共情能力与普通人没有显着差异(Shamay-Tsoory,Aharon-Peretz, & Perry, 2009)。这些研究都证明了共情的两个成分有着相互独立的神经网络。
  已有研究发现,大脑的前扣带回和脑岛与疼痛共情有密切的联系。Jackson,Meltzoff 和 Decety(2005)的研究显使用包含手、脚疼痛的图片范式研究共情,发现在疼痛共情条件下,前扣带回和脑岛都被激活,并且激活程度与个体对图片所示疼痛的等级评定相关;另外一项 fMRI 研究发现,当个体对他人的身体疼痛进行共情时,前扣带回和前脑岛皮层的活动明显增加(Singer, Seymour, O'Doherty,Kaube, Dolan, & Frith, 2004)。
  同时,前扣带回和脑岛在共情中的活动情况也会通过其他感觉和情绪表现出来。Jabbi,Swart 和 Keysers(2007)通过两种实验条件研究味觉共情,让被试自己品尝一种食物,再观察别人品尝相同的食物,结果发现,这两种条件下,被试前扣带回和脑岛产生了相似的激活;Fan,Duncan,Greck 和 Northoff(2011)关于共情的元分析发现,与疼痛共情相似,感受他人的恐惧、厌恶和焦虑等消极情绪时,个体的前脑岛和前扣带回也会被激活。这些研究证明,除了对他人的身体疼痛共情,对其他消极情绪共情时也会增强脑岛和前扣带回的活动。
  镜像神经系统(MNS)是模仿的基础,位于大脑额下回的背部和顶下小叶的头部区域。研究证明,镜像神经元在产生他人—自我共鸣(self-other resonance)中起着重要作用,在个体理解他人处境和情绪状态时,通过镜像神经系统的作用,就可以直接体验到这种感受,产生相同的情绪状态。前脑岛是连接边缘系统和镜像神经系统的纽带(Carr, Iacoboni, Dubeau, Mazziotta & Lenzi, 2003),共情水平与镜像神经系统和杏仁核(情感表征区域)的激活程度显着正相关(Pfeifer,Iacoboni, Mazziotta & Dapretto, 2008)。因此,镜像神经元的激活与情感共情有非常显着的关系。
  认知共情的脑机制主要是顶额叶脑区,负责个体的高级认知活动,认知神经科学的研究发现,在大脑顶额叶有一个提供精神适应性和调控情绪的系统,在共情过程中起着重要的调控作用。Shamay-Tsoory,Aharon-Peretz 和 Perry(2009)通过研究 30 名脑损伤病人发现,腹内侧前额叶受到创伤的患者认知共情能力受损,但情感共情能力由于正常人没有差别;进行认知共情使大脑左侧腹内侧前额叶的活动明显增强(Schnell, Bluschke, Konradt, & Walter, 2011);另外有脑成像研究发现,遭遇社交排斥的个体会激活腹侧前额叶等与心智化活动相关的区域(Masten, Morelli, & Eisenberger, 2011)。
  还有研究发现,对积极情绪共情可以激活腹侧前额叶。Mobbs,Mehan,Khong(2009)的研究发现,被试自己参加游戏和观察别人参加游戏并获胜时,都会激活大脑的腹侧前额叶;Morelli, Rameson, & Lieberman(2014)的 fMRI 研究发现,对积极情绪共情激活了腹侧前额叶和心理理论系统。这些研究均说明前额叶是认知共情的关键脑区之一,在个体的积极共情以及认知共情中起到重要作用。
  情感共情依赖于镜像神经元以及边缘系统和的激活,而共情的认知成分则常常伴随着复杂的认知推理,依赖于心智化活动(mentalizing)有关的区域,需要对自我或他人所处情境、情绪状态、信念等进行因果解释。心理理论系统涉及的脑区主要有内侧前额叶、颞上沟、颞顶交接处、颞极等。通过心理理论系统,个体可以恰当地从与他人的情绪感染中抽离出来,也可以在外界刺激不强的情况下推断、理解他人的状态。一项元分析研究发现,使用清楚显示目标处于疼痛之中(针管注射)的图片增强了镜像系统的活动,不需要额外的描述来理解他们的痛苦;相反,使用象征暗示性的线索说明目标是痛苦的,导致了更多心理理论系统的活动(Lamm, Decety, & Singer, 2010)。
  1.2.2 共情对攻击行为的抑制。
  大量实证研究支持共情是攻击的抑制因子。比如 Eisenberg,Eggum,Giunta(2015)的研究发现,共情与亲社会行为、攻击行为和反社会行为的抑制以及群体间的亲密度具有显着相关;又如 Tamura 和 Sugiura(2017)发现,认知共情低的精神病患者会表现出更多的攻击行为,特别是身体攻击;Kawata,Tanaka,Sugiura,Yamada,Konno 和 Nakajima(2007)也发现,认知共情可以抑制反应性攻击、反应性攻击引起的人际冲突,以及对话和身体状态意识等方面的攻击行为。
  同时也有大量研究发现,攻击性的个体共情能力偏低。比如 Miller 和Eisenberg(1988)的研究通过图片/故事、问卷调查、面部/手势反应和文献归纳发现,共情与攻击、反社会行为存在显着的负相关,有虐待儿童行为的被试共情水平也更低;van Noorden,Haselager,Cillessen 和 Bukowski(2015)的研究发现,相比于受害者和防御者,使用击打、凌辱等方式实施霸凌的青少年情感共情和认知共情都更低。
  总体来说,共情水平高的个体更容易察觉和理解他人的情绪,避免做出潜在的有害行为,减轻对他人的伤害;相反,缺乏共情或共情能力较低的个体无法很好地使用这些信息指导他们的行为,对他人更易有攻击性,并且由于性格的相对稳定性,这种表现会在儿童期和青少年时期持续下去(Hawes, Dadds, Frost, &Hasking, 2011)。


  1.3 共情对攻击行为的抑制受诸多变量的调节
  1.4 个体在不同共情情境下的共情特点
  1.4.1 身体情境与社交情境
  1.4.2 消极情境与积极情境
  1.5 不同攻击类型个体在不同情境下的共情特点
  1.6 问题提出

  2 研究一 情境信息对共情的影响

  2.1 目的
  2.2 被试
  2.3 实验设计
  2.3.1 实验材料
  2.3.2 实验程序
  2.4 结果
  2.4.1 正确率
  2.4.2 反应时
  2.5 讨论

  3 研究二 不同攻击类型青少年在不同情境中的共情特点

  3.1 目的
  3.2 被试
  3.2.1 班级戏剧性提名量表(CPQ)
  3.2.2 直接和间接攻击量表(DIAS)
  3.2.3 不同攻击类型被试的评定
  3.2.4 非攻击组被试的评定
  3.2.5 被试其他条件的测量
  3.3 实验设计
  3.3.1 实验程序
  3.4 结果
  3.4.1 正确率
  3.4.2 反应时
  3.5 讨论
  3.5.1 不同攻击类型青少年的身体共情与社交共情特点
  3.5.2 不同攻击类型青少年的消极共情与积极共情特点

  4 总讨论

  4.1 两种不同攻击类型青少年的共情特点
  4.2 研究不足与展望

  结 论



  3. 虽然身体攻击者和关系攻击者在身体疼痛、社交痛苦、社交快乐三种情境的共情准确性无差异,且都比非攻击者差,但从主效应上看,关系攻击者的共情准确性显着高于身体攻击者,由此可见,关系攻击者的共情能力还是可能会高于身体攻击者。


  5. 这可能提示,两类攻击者在共情上既有共同的缺陷,也有不同表现。


原文出处:刘凯文. 不同攻击类型青少年在不同情境下的共情特点[D].江西师范大学,2019.
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