摘 要
现在 80 后和 90 后的员工与过去的员工相比,也是不一样的。他们对企业的要求在不断提升,对企业的归属感和忠诚度却在持续下降;他们的个人特征正变得越来越强,但承受力却变得越来越弱。企业只有不断地完善和健全激励体系,才能使员工在工作中充分调动他们的积极性和主动性,发挥他们的潜能,让企业沿着正确的轨道不断前行。
本文通过对 CYLT 公司目前实行的员工激励现状进行调查分析,通过访谈、问卷调查的调研方法收集数据,对调查结果进行统计,运用激励相关理论,分析出 CYLT 公司的员工激励体系所存在的问题,力求为 CYLT 公司重建一套与企业行业性质和自身需求的相匹配的员工激励体系。
本文的创新之处为以员工激励为导向将具有关联性的薪酬、绩效考核、职业生涯管理、授权机制和企业文化这五部分组合在一起,形成科学有效的、适合自身需求的员工激励体系。提出关于改进后的激励体系的实施的保障措施。在绩效考核方面,与 CYLT公司的实际情况相结合,在绩效计划的基础上,运用 KPI 的方法确立考核方案,使考核结果能够做到及时有效,起到对员工激励的作用。在员工晋升方面,建立多渠道晋升阶梯和晋升标准,把员工的个人发展与公司的发展相结合,提升员工对公司的归属感。
关键词 : 激励体系;绩效考核;晋升。
With the continuous development of China's economy, the competition amongenterprises is also increasing. Managers of enterprises are more and more aware that theessence of internal management of enterprises is actually human management. The humanresource of an enterprise is a sign to measure the overall competitive strength of an enterprise.
The human resources of enterprises refer to the employees of enterprises. In the increasinglyfierce competition of enterprises, the employees of enterprises are the basis of thedevelopment and growth of enterprises. They are not production equipment or cost. They arethe most important enterprise resources. Therefore, as long as the employees are full ofmorale and play their potential in the work, the common progress and growth of enterprisesand employees can be realized.
Some enterprises are basically lack of attention to their employees, just doing superficialwork. They think it's the same to motivate employees. The purpose of introducinghigh-quality and highly educated talents to enterprises is to flaunt their external image andbroaden the influence of enterprises, but they only want to manage them. Some enterprisesonly pay attention to the motivation in words, but the action is still the same as before, whichleads to many employees' increasingly slack, lack of work motivation and eventuallycontinuous loss. Enterprises should pay attention to tap the potential of people, improve theincentive system, employees are active and diligent in their work, and the development ofenterprises will become more and more powerful.
The employees of the post-80s and post-90s are different from those of the past. Theirrequirements for enterprises are increasing, but their sense of belonging and loyalty toenterprises are declining; their personal characteristics are becoming stronger and stronger,but their endurance is becoming weaker and weaker. Only by constantly improving andperfecting the incentive system can the employees fully mobilize their enthusiasm andinitiative in their work, give full play to their potential, and let the enterprise move forwardalong the right track.
In this paper, through the investigation and analysis of the current situation of CYLTcompany's employee motivation, through the interview and questionnaire survey methods tocollect data, make statistics on the survey results, and use the relevant incentive theories toanalyze the problems of CYLT company's employee incentive system, and strive to rebuild aset of employee incentive system that matches the nature of the enterprise industry and itsown needs for CYLT company Department.
The innovation of this paper is to combine the five parts of salary, performance appraisal,career management, authorization mechanism and corporate culture with the guidance of employee motivation, so as to form a scientific and effective employee motivation systemwhich is suitable for their own needs. Put forward the safeguard measures for theimplementation of the improved incentive system. In the aspect of performance appraisal,combined with the actual situation of CYLT company, on the basis of performance plan, theKPI method is used to establish the appraisal plan, so that the appraisal results can be timelyand effective, and play a role in employee motivation. In terms of employee promotion,establish multi-channel promotion ladder and promotion standards, combine the personaldevelopment of employees with the development of the company, and improve the sense ofbelonging of employees to the company.
Key Words : Incentive system;Performance appraisal;Promotion。
引 言
1.1、 研究的背景。
从 1978 年改革开放以来,随着我国经济的不断深入发展,企业间的竞争也在随之加剧,企业的管理者愈来愈深刻地认识到企业的管理就是人力资源的管理。人力资源标志着企业整体竞争实力。在科技迅速发展的现今,企业若缺乏足够人才其进行支撑,那么企业的发展将陷入困境;企业只有挖掘出全体员工的潜能,企业才能持续不断的地发展。
有些企业在根本上缺乏对于员工的重视,只是在做表面功夫。他们认为是否对于员工进行激励起到的作用是一样的。对于企业引进的高素质和高学历人才的目的就是标榜他们的对外形象,拓宽企业的影响力,但在对其管理上却唯心所欲。还有些企业仅仅把激励停留在口头上,但行动上却还是以往的一套,这导致很多员工日渐懈怠,并缺乏工作动力,最终不断流失。现在 80 后、90 后的员工与过去的员工相比,也是不一样的。
1.2、 研究的目的。
本文对 CYLT 公司的激励现状实施调查并进行分析,发现激励体系所存在的问题,努力寻求建立一套更加完善和适合自身需求的员工激励体系。解决 CYLT 公司员工流失率增加、工作效率下降、激励手段单一等问题。使员工能够积极主动地工作,发挥潜能,提高工作效率,为公司留住关键岗位人才,提升公司内部经营管理水平,完善 HR 现状,让企业能够稳步发展。
1.3 、国内外研究现状
1.3.1 、国外研究现状
1.3.2 、国内研究现状
1.5 、研究的思路和方法
1.5.1、 研究的方法
3.1、 CYLT公司概况
3.1.4、 CYLT公司激励体系现状
3.3 、CYLT公司员工激励现状存在的问题.
3.4.1、管理者重视不够 .
4 、CYLT公司激励体系的改进.
4.3.2 、完善绩效管理体系
4.3.3、 建立员工晋升制度
5.1 、组织保障.
5.1.1、 公司高管的高度重视
5.1.2 、各级管理人员的参与及支持.
5.1.3 、加强开展员工动员和培训工作.
结 论
通过理论研究,结合 CYLT 公司的激励体系现状,以研究 CYLT 公司员工激励体系存在的问题为目的,设计调查问卷,组织完成问卷填写,采用访谈和问卷调查的方法统计出调查数据。把问卷调查的结果用 SPSS 和 EXCEL 程序进行频数统计分析、单因素方差分析、LSD 分析等数据分析,找到 CYLT 公司员工激励体系所存在的问题。
在此基础上结合 CYLT 公司的实际情况,运用多种激励理论,对 CYLT 公司现有的激励体系从员工的薪酬、绩效管理、员工晋升和员工培训四个方面进行系统的改进,全面调动员工在工作中主动积极性和创造性,从而提高员工工作效率。
按照 CYLT 公司改进的激励体系,提出在组织保障、制度保障及企业文化方面,具体包括树立以人为本的理念、健全激励体系奖惩制度、健全激励体系配套制度、做好激励辅助工作和实施激励预算等具体的保障措施,以此来督促和保证 CYLT 公司改进的激励体系能够顺利实施。
本文的研究的目的是希望在日常实际工作中通过改进后的激励体系的能够尽可能地调动员工在工作中的积极和主动性,挖掘员工的潜能,增加员工的工作效率,降低员工流失率。CYLT 公司的员工激励体系改进研究属于个案研究,但是由于 CYLT 公司在员工激励体系中所存在的某些问题,也同样普遍地存在于同行业的其它企业中,所以本文在员工激励体系的健全与完善方面,对于同行业的其它企业具有一定的参考价值。关于人力资源管理方面相关激励理论知识,本人还没能达到全面地理解和掌握的程度。所以,在对员工激励体系进行改进研究时还存在不足之处,尤其在关于理论创新方面上还有待得到进一步地提升。
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