
(2)研究方法:根据患者在过去1年内是否有跌倒史分为跌倒组和非跌倒组。收集患者的一般资料、生化指标、内脏脂肪面积、去脂体重、骨骼肌质量、骨矿物质含量、四肢及躯干肌肉含量等体成分数据,并测量超声骨密度值,进行日常生活能力(ADL)、认知功能(MMSE)、老年抑郁(GDS)、营养(MNA)、年龄校正的查尔森合并症指数(a CCI)量表评估。
(3)统计方法:采用SPSS 22.0软件进行数据处理和统计分析,计量资料服从正态分布者用均数±标准差表示,组间比较采用独立样本t检验;否则采用中位数(M,(P25,P75))表示,组间比较采用Wilcoxon秩和检验。计数资料用频数和百分比表示,组间比较采用卡方检验。基于单因素检验结果,对有统计学意义的变量再进行二元Logistic回归分析。绘制受试者工作特征(receiveroperating characteristic,ROC)曲线,获得影响老年慢性病患者跌倒相关因素的最佳临界值,P<0.05认为有统计学意义。
(2)性别、慢性病数量、多重用药、日常生活能力(ADL)、认知功能(MMSE)、老年抑郁(GDS)、营养(MNA)、年龄校正的查尔森合并症指数(a CCI)、血红蛋白、白蛋白、骨骼肌质量、骨矿物质含量、四肢及躯干肌肉含量是影响老年慢性病患者跌倒发生的相关危险因素(P<0.05),且非跌倒组在身体肌肉含量上较高。
关键词: 老年,慢性病,跌倒。
Risk factors and related analysis of falls in elderly patients with chronic diseases
The elderly are a high-risk group of falls, and death due to falls is one of the main causes of death for the elderly. The elderly with chronic diseases have a higher incidence of falls and are more harmful. This article aims to study the risk factors of falls in elderly patients with chronic diseases, identify the predictive value of different factors for the occurrence of falls, and provide a theoretical basis for preventing falls in elderly patients with chronic diseases, thereby improving the quality of life ofelderly patients with chronic diseases.
(1) Research objects: 182 patients who were admitted to the cadre ward of the First Hospital of Jilin University from January 2020 to June 2020 who were ≥65 years old and had at least one chronic disease.
(2) Research method: According to whether the patients had a history of falls in the past year, they were pided into fall group and non-fall group. Collect thepatient's general data, biochemical indicators, visceral fat area, fat-free body weight, skeletal muscle mass, bone mineral content, limb and trunk muscle content and otherbody composition data, and measure the ultrasound bone density value to perform daily activities (ADL), Cognitive Function (MMSE), Geriatric Depression (GDS),Nutrition (MNA), Charson Comorbidity Index (a CCI) scale assessment.
(3) Statistical method: Use SPSS 22.0 software for data processing and statistical analysis. If measurement data obey a normal distribution, it is expressed as mean ± standard deviation, and independent sample t test is used for comparison between groups; otherwise, median (M, (P25, P75) )) means that the Wilcoxon rank sum test is used for comparison between groups. Count data is expressed by frequency and percentage, and comparison between groups is performed by chi-square test. Based on the univariate test results, binary Logistic regression analysis was performed on the statistically significant variables. Draw the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve to obtain the best cut-off value of the factors affecting falls in elderly patients with chronic diseases. P<0.05 is considered statistically significant.
A total of 182 patients were enrolled in this study, with an average age of (78.86±8.98) years, including 117 cases (64.3%) in the non-fall group and 65 cases(35.7%) in the fall group.
(1)The age of the fall group is higher than that of the non-fall group (P<0.05), and the incidence of falls in elderly patients with chronic diseases increases with age.
(2)Gender, number of chronic diseases, multiple medications, ability of daily living scale (ADL), mini-mental state examination (MMSE), geriatric depresion scale (GDS), mini nutritionaal assessment(MNA), age-adjusted Charson's comorbidity index (a CCI), hemoglobin, albumin The skeletal muscle mass, bone mineral content, limb and trunk muscle content are related risk factors affecting the occurrence of falls in elderly patients with chronic diseases (P<0.05), and the non-fall group has higher body muscle content than the fall group.
(3)Comparison of the types of chronic diseases between the two groups. Hypertension is a related risk factor affecting the occurrence of falls in elderlypatients with chronic diseases (P=0.036), coronary heart disease, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic renal insufficiency, cerebrovascular disease, malignant tumors, There was no statistical significance in the comparison of blood system diseases, gastritis/peptic ulcer between the two groups (P>0.05).
(4)The number of chronic diseases (OR=5.972, 95%CI[0.252-5.194], P<0.001), GDS (OR=1.087, 95%CI[1.005-1.176], P=0.037) are chronic diseases of the elderly The independent risk factors for the patient to fall were skeletal muscle mass (OR=0.542,95%CI[0.352-0.835],P=0.005),albumin(OR=0.791,95%CI[0.6679-0.922],P=0.003 ) Is an independent protective factor that affects the occurrence of falls in elderly people with chronic diseases.
(5)The results of drawing the ROC curve showed that the area under the curve of chronic diseases (AUC) was 0.783, P<0.001; the cut-off value was 2.5 (the actual integer was 3), the sensitivity was 0.646, and the specificity was 0.761; the AUC of GDS was 0.607, P=0.016 The cut-off value is 19.5, the sensitivity is 0.554, and the specificity is 0.684; the albumin content AUC is 0.743, P<0.001; the cut-off value is 33.75g/l, the sensitivity is 0.607, and the specificity is 0.862. The AUC of skeletal muscle mass was 0.745, P<0.001; the cut-off value was 22.05kg, the sensitivity was 0.786, and the specificity was 0.569.
(1)The fall rate of elderly patients with chronic diseases has age-related changes, and the incidence of falls in elderly patients with 3 or more chronic diseasesincreases.
(2)Skeletal muscle mass and depression score are related to the occurrence of falls in elderly patients with chronic diseases, and have certain predictive value.
Key words: Old age, Chronic disease, Fall。
第1章 前言
在我国,每年因慢性疾病而死亡的数量高达737.6万,是城乡居民死亡的主要原因[8]。研究显示[9],80%的老年人至少患有一种慢性病,而65-85%的老年人患有两种或以上,后者通常被称为多发病。此外研究发现,65岁以上的老年人平均每年约有三分之一发生跌倒。还有报道指出,65岁以上的老年人85%的骨折及95%的股骨颈低暴力骨折均由跌倒所致[10]。最近一项荟萃分析发现[11],在中国老年人伤害死亡类型中,跌倒居于首位,其死亡率为81.14/10万[95%CI: 67.00/10万-95.28/10万]。跌倒引发的致病、致残、致死率极高,对患者本人、患者家庭及社会造成的损失是不容忽视的。据统计中国老年人跌倒后损伤产生的费用每人每次约为16-3812美元[12],费用跨幅巨大以及跌倒后果的不确定性,导致很多家庭“因跌而贫”。尽管目前国内外在跌倒损伤的相关治疗上,已经取得了巨大的进展,但高骨折风险患者的治疗缺口仍在不断增加[13]。因此对老年人跌倒的预防刻不容缓。老年人群的跌倒是多种因素造成的,但令人欣喜的是,跌倒也是可防可控的不良事件之一。
此外随着时间的推移,人体在器官,组织,肌肉、细胞等各个成分产生的不同速率的退化[17],同时心理、情绪等也会出现不同程度的改变,这在患有慢性疾病的老年人群中体现的更加明显。因此本研究通过老年综合评估、血液生化学指标及人体成分分析仪、超声骨密度仪对患者进行数据采集,应用 SPSS 22.0 软件进行数据处理,研究老年慢性病患者跌倒有关的危险因素,识别不同因素对跌倒发生的预测价值,为制定预防老年慢性病人群跌倒的相关方案提供理论依据。
第2章 综述
2.1、 老年人跌倒的流行病学.
2.2、 老年人跌倒的危险因素
2.2.1、 生理因素
2.2.2、 心理因素
2.2.3、 病理因素
2.2.4、 药 物因素
2.2.5、 环境因 素
2.3、 老年人跌倒的干预措施.
2.4 、小结 与展望
第3章 材料与方法.
3.1 、 研究对象.
3.1.1 、 对象来源.
3.1.2、 纳入标准.
3.1.3 、排除标准
3.2、 研究方法
3.2.1 、一般资料收集.
3.2.2、 量表评估方法.
3.2.3 、生化指标采
3.2.4 、仪器检测
3.2.5 、诊断标准
3.2.6 、分组方法
3.2.7 、质量控制
3.3 、统i计学分析.
第4章 结果.
4.1、 老年慢性病患者跌倒组与非跌倒组-般资料比较
4.2 、老年慢性病患者跌倒组与非跌倒组量表及检测结果比较
4.3、 影响跌倒的相关因素的多因素回归分析.
4.4 、老年慢性病患 者独立因素的ROC曲线
第5章 讨论.
5.1 、--般因素对跌倒的影响
5.2 、体成分与跌倒的关系
第6章 结论
(1)老年慢性病患者的跌倒率具有增龄性变化,患有 3 种及以上慢性病的老年人跌倒的发生率增加。