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来源:学术堂 作者:师老师
发布于:2019-10-14 共4765字

  摘 要









  With the development of the Internet economy, the express delivery industry has become animportant part of the national economy, which has greatly promoted the development ofChina's e-commerce and new retail At present, China's express delivery industry hasbasically formed a competitive situation in which SF Express and the “four links and ones”

  compete against each other Among them, “four links and one” have adopted the light assetoperation mode, and only SF has adopted the heavy asset operation mode The “four linksand one approach” adopting the light asset operation mode performed well in short-termfinancial indicators, but the homogenization competition was serious and the distributionefficiency was not satisfactory In contrast, SF, which uses the heavy asset operation mode,although the operating income is stable First, the customer experience is the best, but theperformance of financial indicators is significantly lower than the "four links and one" Withthe gradual decline of the growth rate of the express delivery industry, the competition in theexpress delivery industry has entered a new normal state Which of the two types of expressdelivery business models of heavy assets and light assets has become more sustainable andhas become the focus of attention in the theoretical and practical circles

  The accounting problems of the two model differences are mainly reflected in the assetstructure and sustainable profitability In order to balance the short-term and long-termfinancial performance of the two, this paper, from the perspective of strategic managementaccounting, combined with the industry characteristics of the express delivery industry andthe development experience of the US express delivery industry, using the analytical tools ofstrategic management accounting to determine the sustainable profitability of the expressdelivery industry The factors, through the horizontal and vertical comparison of SF and the“four links and one” financial and non-financial indicators, analyzed the differences between the two strategic choices, asset structure allocation and sustainable profitability, and foundthat under SF’s heavy asset model, Speed, safety, and service are more secure, sustainableprofitability is stronger, and light asset companies are more homogenous, causing higherrisks in price wars At the same time, suggestions were made to improve SF's financialperformance: rational choice of financing methods; strengthening cost management;strengthening financial risk management; promoting related diversification; and increasingscientific and technological innovation

  This paper further explores the relationship between the corporate strategy of the expressdelivery industry, the structure of light and heavy assets and the sustainable profitability: thestrategic choice of the company is the basis for the enterprise to decide which asset structureto choose; the asset structure is an important factor in determining sustainable profitability

  The strength of sustainable profitability will also have a certain correction effect on thecompany's strategy and asset structure Further suggestions for different types of enterprisesin China's express delivery industry: the “access system” of light asset operation shouldimprove the management of franchisees and transform to the information platform;e-commerce self-operated logistics should strengthen cost control and gradually provideservices to third parties; State-owned logistics enterprises should strengthen internal controland improve the efficiency of resource use

  KEY WORDS: Strategic management accounting;Express delivery;Asset structure;Sustainableprofitability


  1 绪论

  1.1 研究背景及意义

  1.1.1 研究背景


  得益于中国经济的迅速发展,我国快递业也在 2008 年到 2018 年迎来了行业的黄金发展时期,并经历了三个发展阶段。首先,在 2008—2010 年间,我国快递业务量以20%的速度快速发展,这是黄金时代的开始。其次,在 2011-2016 年间,我国快递业务复合增长率达到 5348%、快递业务收入复合增长率高达 3929%,尤其是在 2016 年,快递业务量增速更是高达 5133%,创近几年历史第二高水平;业务收入增速高达4350%,创历史新高,这是我国快递业的发展高峰期。第三个阶段就是 2017 年以后,2017 年快递业务量完成 401 亿件,同比增长 28%;业务收入完成 4950 亿元,同比增长 245%,2018 年 1-11 月,全国快递服务企业业务量累计完成 4529 亿件,同比增长263%,业务收入累计完成 5429 亿元,同比增长 223%,已经开始了增速放缓阶段。

  虽然快递业的增速已经放缓,但整体年均 20%的增速依然非常可观。而且,未来中西部的快递市场还大有可为。从人均使用量来看,2016 年全国人均使用量 228 件,其中东部地区 444 件(已超过美国的 31 件),中部和西部仅为 86 件和 61 件。假设中西部人均快件使用量达到全国平均水平,则未来预计将会为快递行业贡献业务量增量 1229 亿件。

  伴随着我国经济的转型升级,快递业在平衡区域发展差距、促进生产要素流动和刺激消费方面都将发挥更大的作用。《国务院关于促进快递业发展的若干意见》指出,到 2020 年我国的快递业务量要突破 500 亿,业务的总收入要突破 8000 亿,这进一步说明快递行业今后的未来是非常光明的。







  1.1.2 研究意义
  1.2 文献综述
  1.2.1 战略管理会计
  1.2.2 资产结构
  1.2.3 可持续盈利能力
  1.2.4 资产结构与可持续盈利能力的关系
  1.3 研究内容与方法
  1.3.1 研究目标
  1.3.2 研究内容
  1.3.3 研究方法
  1.3.4 技术路线
  1.3.5 创新点

  2 理论基础
  2.1 战略管理会计理论
  2.2 产业组织理论
  2.3 规模经济理论
  2.4 竞争理论
  2.5 企业可持续发展理论

  3 快递行业基本概况及案例公司选择
  3.1 行业概况
  3.2 行业特点
  3.2.1 具备规模经济
  3.2.2 行业集中度不断提高
  3.2.3 速度和服务愈益重要
  3.3 美国快递业发展历程与经验借鉴
  3.3.1 集中化发展趋势
  3.3.2 重资产发展趋势
  3.4 顺丰公司概况
  3.5 选择顺丰的原因
  3.5.1 A 股上市的行业龙头
  3.5.2 直营模式独树一帜
  3.5.3 核心竞争力强

  4 战略管理会计视角下的顺丰财务分析
  4.1 顺丰的战略目标与战略选择
  4.1.1 战略目标
  4.1.2 战略选择
  4.2 顺丰资产结构特征分析
  4.2.1 资产结构指标分析
  4.2.2 资产结构的同业对
  4.2.3 重资产结构
  4.2.4 公司战略与重资产运营模式的关系
  4.2.5 重资产结构对顺丰运营的影响

  5 战略管理会计视角下顺丰可持续盈利能力分析
  5.1 基于战略管理会计工具的分析
  5.1.1 行业变革分析
  5.1.2 基于波特五力模型的分析
  5.1.3 资源与能力分析
  5.1.4 基于价值链的分析
  5.1.5 业务组合分析
  5.1.6 顺丰 SWOT 分析
  5.1.7 基于作业成本法的分析
  5.2 快递业可持续盈利能力的影响因素
  5.3 顺丰可持续盈利能力的财务指标分析
  5.2.1 偿债能力分析
  5.2.2 营运能力分析
  5.2.3 盈利能力分析
  5.2.4 成长能力分析
  5.4 非财务指标分析
  5.4.1 客户评价维度
  5.4.2 公司经营维度
  5.4.3 员工发展维度
  5.5 竞争对手对比分析
  5.5.1 主要竞争对手概况
  5.5.2 主要财务指标对比
  5.5.3 非财务指标对比
  5.6 与美国快递企业财务指标对比
  5.7 风险评估
  5.7.1 政策风险
  5.7.2 市场风险
  5.7.3 经营风险
  5.7.4 汇率波动风险
  5.7.5 信息安全风险

  6 结论与展望
  6.1 结论
  6.1.1 合理配置资产结构能够提高可持续盈利能力
  6.1.2 对重资产结构下顺丰提高可持续盈利能力的建议
  6.1.3 顺丰重资产运营模式对快递业未来发展的启示
  6.2 展望


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