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论我国消费者权益保护法冷却期制度构建 摘要与引言

来源:学术堂 作者:韩老师
发布于:2014-04-15 共3773字
  Abstract:In China's market,there have been remote sales, direct sales transaction,timeshare andother modern economic behavior of consumer credit contracts. For regulating the marketeconomy under the conditions of these new business activities,our system should be setcooling-ofF period. Cooling system is defined in the contract for the sale of consumers andoperators established, expressly provided for in the law within a certain period,the consumermay cancel the contract unilaterally and unconditionally , without having to assume anyliability for breach . Set the cooling system should include the setting of the deadline, butshould also include setting the cooling system is applicable to sales of the range of ways, suchas online trading, home sales, etc.,should also apply cooling of the system the type of goods.
  October 25, 2013,the newly revised Consumer Protection Act ( hereinafter referred to as the“New Consumer Law” ) in the second session of the fifth meeting of the NPC StandingCommittee voted through , the amended law increases,the operator uses Internet, television,telephone, mail order sales of goods , etc.,consumers are entitled to receive the goods withinseven days from the date of return , and without justification , but consumers custom,perishable,and online download or consumers demolition closure of audio-visual products,computer software and other digital products,delivery of newspapers, periodicals and otheritems according to the nature and recognized by consumers in the purchase of goods exceptnot return .
  Cooling system is not the subjective intention of the next generation, and in theconsumer's Game Theory and sovereignty, the Cooling system has its solid economicfoundation. The objective laws of economic development, especially in emerging generationtrading system accelerates the cooling of the generation. At present, China is emerging moremd more transactions, such as installment, online trading, TV shopping,telephone shopping,remote trading, home sales, consumer credit, credit card. The cooling system mainly appliesto the emerging trading style.
  Cooling system is the inevitable product of social and economic development consumerprotection is a lopsided legal system. The system gives the consumer within a certain time ofthe contract unilaterally and unconditionally the right of withdrawal,but also a high degree ofsocio-economic development of the inevitable result that includes fairness, integrity,justice,consciousness of modern society,laws, evolving societal needs and other formed by theinteraction of factors ? Cooling of the legal system with a strong economic law attributes ofthe system will tend to protect the interests of consumers, which can achieve the essence ofthe fair value method to promote fair and equitable society as a whole.
  Currently, many countries have provided a concrete conditions as the cooling system isapplicable limitations period. Looking at the major national legislation, consumer protectionlaw is one of the latest developments in the cooling phase system. China's accession to WTO,countries in the world economy and the country has become increasingly closely linked withtoday, our country learn from its consumer protection policy is the trend dictates. Thisreference to foreign law, foreign cooled by understanding the specific content of the systemsettings, and cooling of the legislative model system to be exercised, the scope and theconsequences for other aspects of cognition has been further cooling of the system itself butalso conform to the state of the consumer protection requirements of the tilt. Therefore, theestablishment in China of cooling system is an inevitable choice.
  Key Words: Cooling- off Period ; regime of law ; consumption

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