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价格干预中行政部门约谈的法律规制 摘要

来源:学术堂 作者:韩老师
发布于:2014-04-14 共3771字






  【关键词】:价格约谈 经济规制 软性执法 沟通行动
  Abstract:Price interviews are used to stabilize the price level, standardize the marketorder by government departments, they invite the person who in charge of themarket(enterprises or industry associations), let them understand the businesssituation of enterprises in the form of seminars, listen to the comments andsuggestions, explain price policies, laws and regulations related to communication.
  In order to achieve the purpose of price stability and the stable market order. Fromthe national management mode which is the traditional unified, one-way, legal andlaw enforcement activities around the state-centered economic regulatoryactivities .to Modern Management mode which interactive, regulatory actionconsensus together to accomplish the law enforcement objectives. From financialmacro-control mode which is mainly by finance or taxation, to the Micro ControlMode which directs the role in the Anti-Monopoly Law, regulatory the marketprice of the main players in the market. It is used frequently by the governmentwhat is the main consensus and directly effect on the main players in the market,but this communication between the government and regulatory bodies whichrelates to a multi-party body raultistate holder seems simple, which involves amulti-subject multi-stakeholder Actually, there is no rules provisions clearly therights and obligations of the parties, duties, specific operating procedures fromlegislation.
  The purpose of the Price Interview is to directly regulate price behavior of theeconomic subjects to stable market order. Its significant regulation consistentmicroscopic characteristics and economic law, such as behaved directly, nostrengthen, communicative. This article discourse from the perspective ofeconomic law on the price intervention mechanism, to analysis why it achievesconsiderable success. And the problems during the operation.
  The discussion of these issues on the basis of these problems and the paper isdivided into five parts.
  The introductory part of this paper observes and analysis a large number ofnews media reported the price interviews events and promulgated by thegovernment in order to curb high prices “limit order1',and to sort out the relevantpolicies and regulations, one of the few theoretical articles analysis in order tolocate the starting point of this study.
  The second part,this article analyzes typical example of the Price Interview 一Unilever was interviewed by the National Development and Reform Commission,from the point of the commimicative action theory and Micro-control theory, thenintroduces Tax interviews, the audit interviews, administrative interviews behaviorroughly, As well as analysis the affections of the current interviews. At last getsthis article: the dilemma of Price Interview why the governm^it frequentlychooses to interview to regulate the prices of corporate behavior? The price ofinterviews is how to run in real life? What is the legal property of the Priceinterview?
  The third part, the connotation, the scope, the main function, the nature of thelegal attributes,the operational mechanism and the specific discourse of the Priceinterview will be analyzed. The law attributes of Price interviewed in theEconomic Law will be discussed: the price interview is belonging to stateintervention in the micro-economic regulatory levels, is an. innovative means ofprice regulation.
  The Fourth part discusses the price interview run in the current legalframework, drinking coffee system; the foreign forgiveness system as well as thedomestic antitrust reconciliation systan is theoretical suppuration. And it be usedextensively and has a wealth of successful experience, Price Interview besupported by titiese discussions on the theory and practice system in economic law.
  It is used frequently, because tbe Price interview made mandatory with the law thesame effect of law enforcement because of the practice.
  The fifth part,though aaalysis system constructed should adhere to a fewprinciples, values orientation and start the program, results processing principle.
  For the price interview erected a theoretical framework in Economic Law.
  Through the above analysis, we find that &e price interview is a wide rangeof interview with a non-mandatory, direct and other typical characteristics, throughthe analysis of its running process Obtain price interview is a kind of ”soft“ way oflaw enforcement,but it reached the effect of a ”Rigid“ law. It can prevent theeconomic-crime, Therefore, although the price interview is not an economic meansbut is widely used to regulate economic. In addition, these features also conformsthe economic law of controversy areas of economic regulation characteristics.
  Keywords: Price Interview, Regulating economic, Flexibleenforcement tools, Theory of Communicative Action

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