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民事侵权案件中被扶养人生活费适用问题研究 中英文摘要

来源:学术堂 作者:姚老师
发布于:2014-04-15 共1982字

  Abstract:With the development of urban transportation and the popularity disable in caraccidents, their dependents suffer losses of living expenses as well as the greatphysical pain or mental anguish. However,the rules about the scope of dependents,the standard of living expenses or the method of calculation etc are not so clear andaccurate in tihe relevant law and judicial interpretation. What is more, there is nouniform standard. Recently,some inconsequent cases are paid more and moreattention, in which the same case has different results and the same life securesdifferent payments.
  According to the judicial interpretation, there is a wide range of dependents,including both the minor dependents and the adult close relatives who have no otherliving source. When the victims died in car accidents, the dependents have their ownrights to claim living expenses,as well as the right to substitute for the victims.
  To get living expenses, adult close relatives of the victims have the burden toprove that they are unable to work and have no other living resources. It is necessaryof the adult dependents to obtain the Expert Conclusion by the labor department. Forthe adult dependents, to have no other living resources means to have no livingresources at all or to have few resources to live. It is natural and understandable forthe adult dependents to have the above burden of proof. However,it is unnecessaryfor the parents of the victims. In any case, the parents of the victims are thedependents and have rights to claim living expenses.
  Both the ability of work and the disables grade should be considered todetermine the living expenses. Disables grade does not depend only on the ability ofwork and vice verse. Only under circumstances of both the victim's disability andthe dependents' reduction in income, to pay living expenses is reasonable andlegitimate.
  To determine living expenses, the identity of the supporter rather than thesupported should be the basis of compensation standards.
  Keywords: Dependents; Injure and Compensation; Disables grade; Standard ofcompensation

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